Work for the Good of Our City


This is not our home, we are just passing through. But while we pass through we have been given a mission wherever we are - Work for the Good of the City (Jeremiah 29:5-7). We are committed to speaking the Gospel and to living out the love of Jesus to everyone around us in tangible ways of hospitality, sacrifice, and justice.

  1. We invite people everywhere to find their ultimate satisfaction in Christ the Redeemer.

    • Every disciple of Christ is a missionary gifted to lovingly and creatively engage the people and places in their life with the story of God and their own story. The Gospel is most effectively shared embodied in real lives who have experienced redemption and continue to believe that Jesus is all they need.

  2. We engage the world around us lovingly and relationally.

    • Public proclamation must lead to private conversation where the truths of the Gospel and the circumstances of life become the means to deeper spiritual discoveries and our spiritual progress.

  3. We operate out of the overflow of what the Redeemer has done for us.

    • The only way we can commend Jesus to others is by daily cherishing Him in our own lives. Worshiping Christ and Walking Together are prerequisites to Working for the Good of the City. And as we commend Jesus to our City and the World, more worshipers are made who continue the chain of faithful Gospel Proclamation.

Serve at Redeemer

For us to be on mission outside our walls we need to do a good job of serving each other inside our walls too. If we are going to have a healthy global ministry we must start be keeping ourselves healthy as a local embassy of the Kingdom. That means we need you to be serving somewhere in our local church. There are plenty of opportunities:

  • Setup & Teardown: it takes work to make Sunday mornings happen.

  • Hospitality: from parking lots to refreshments to getting people connected.

  • Music & Tech: have musical gifts you want to use to serve the body?

  • Redeemer Kids: our children need loving teachers and servants to guide and serve them.

We’d love to talk with you about where you see yourself fitting into making this a healthy and growing local church. Fill out the form here or text “volunteer” to (661) 402-5577.

Working within Your Circle & Passions

Imagine what the Spirit of God might do if every member of Redeemer identified 2-3 unbelieving people in their various circles where they live, work and play to pray for and seek to build a Gospel-speaking relationship with. These are people that we are already engaged with in places we already go in the normal course of life. Do we see them? We encourage every member to identify their Circle and invite others to join with them in praying for God to move.

God has created us all with various passions and gifted us with various experiences. God never wastes anything in writing your story. He wants those passions to propel us all into various areas of mission. He wants to use your experiences, even painful ones, to serve others. Imagine what the Spirit of God might do if every member of Redeemer identified 1-2 passions that God has uniquely wired into them, and they began to see those as a means for advancing the heart of God in Santa Clarita and beyond.

Golden Valley Community

We are committed to not just calling Golden Valley High School or home on Sunday mornings, but doing all we can to lavish the love of Christ on the school, their families, and the east side of the Santa Clarita Valley.

We need volunteers to serve all over the Golden Valley High School campus. Interested in serving? Fill out the form here or text “Volunteer” to (661) 402-5577.

Kingdom Partnerships

Santa Clarita Valley Gospel Ecosystem - Wherever possible we look to work together with other like-minded churches and ministries. We aim to work within the Gospel Ecosystem that God has created in the Santa Clarita Valley through other churches, schools and ministries. We are better together than we are apart, and can do far more for the making and multiplying of disciples when we humble lay down any one name for The name of King Jesus!

The Send Network and the International Mission Board - Through the longtime commitment of the Southern Baptist Convention to partner in planting churches and reaching the nations, we joyfully cooperate with what God is doing through these ministries.

Axia Ministries - We love the work of Axia as they seek to care for vulnerable kids in our community through supporting foster-adopt families and in our Title 1 schools. They would love to hear about your heart and get you involved. Email Shannon Henson at or visit their website.

Global Partnerships - Stay tuned for what God is going to do through us to the nations!

Mobilization & Multiplication

  • We believe God is going to use us to mobilize men and women for full-time Christian service. That means we are eager to invest in those who want to be further equipped for Gospel outreach where they are, or in looking to church plant or travel abroad in global mission work.

  • Stay tuned as we develop our Leadership Pipeline to equip, mobilize, and send God’s people out for the multiplication of His Kingdom.