What We Believe
Doctrinal Essentials
As part of the Southern Baptist Convention we hold to the Baptist Faith and Message 2000 as our guiding orthodox statement of faith.
Doctrinal Distinctives
The Sovereignty of God in Salvation. We believe God is the author and finisher of our faith. Dead souls cannot reach out to Christ in a saving way unless the Spirit of God first brings life. When that spiritual life comes, the individual will then respond with repentance and faith. We see the classically Reformed doctrines of salvation as a great comfort to the believer and not something to be feared. We will hold these truths delightfully without a need to pick a fight over them.
Complementarian Church Leadership. We believe God has called men to lead the church as elders. The role of elder/pastor is only to be held by qualified men affirmed by the congregation. Men are to come under the authority of God to lead with grace and truth. We will hold this position with humility and grace as we celebrate the gift of women in the service of the church.
Meaningful Church Membership. We believe God has called believers to covenant together within local assemblies called churches. That means members of Redeemer will be expected to remain engaged and invested in Sunday Worship and a Redemption Group. Membership involves a clear profession of faith in Christ and understanding of the simple Gospel message, public baptism by immersion, and regular participation at the Lord’s Table. In submitting to elders and one another, members will invite both proactive and corrective shepherding in their lives as we seek to honor God through being faithful Kingdom Ambassadors in word and deed.
Ministry Trajectories
A Culture of Grace and not Performance.
Christ-Centered, Christ-Exalting Expository Preaching.
Disciple-Making, Maturing and Mobilizing.
A Relationally Robust Commitment to One-Anothering.
An Outward-Facing Posture Toward the People and Needs of our City.