Walk Together


God sent His Son to save a people, not just individuals, but a group of people. The greatest gifts given to every believer for their progress and joy are the Word of God, the Spirit of God, and the People of God. Therefore, we need deep and meaningful relationships for our growth … and for the fullness of life and laughter!

  1. We can’t see what we can’t see in our own lives. It’s called Spiritual Blindness.

    • Every redeemed person is still in the process of redemption. God is actively redeeming our stories for His glory, our good, and the growth of others. We need help to see our hearts and stories clearly.

  2. Our Spiritual Progress happens in community.

    • Public proclamation must lead to private conversation where the truths of the Gospel and the circumstances of life become the means to deeper spiritual discoveries and our spiritual progress.

  3. The goal of our walking together is Spiritual Joy.

    • The Gospel is good news that leads to life everlasting and pleasures forevermore. If eternal happiness, rest, and delights are what the future holds, then it ought to be part of life together now.

Get Connected and/or Submit Prayer Requests

Fill out a Connect Card to get connected to the Redeemer family and/or submit a prayer request.

Making and Maturing Disciples

  • God’s Story - Christian action begins in the heart, with a delightful acknowledgement that God’s Story changes everything. When we understand the finished work of Christ, we rest on His righteousness rather than pursuing self-righteousness. It is then that our life can, and will, change and our obedience flows from the inside out. 

  • Your Story - As the Word is proclaimed from the pulpit it must then move into the intentional spiritual conversations within the relationships of the church. When preaching is received with a soft heart it moves people into deeper spiritual friendships. These friendships become the garden where the soil of the heart can be tended, and fruit produced. It is here, where Your Story comes out and the suffering we’ve experienced and the sin we’ve chosen can find help and healing. 

  • Telling the Story - The aim of our maturing disciples is to see the making of new disciples. The Good News we have received is too good to keep to ourselves; it must be shared. Members of Redeemer, committed to maturing as a disciple, are expected to use their gifts in practical ways that fit their experiences and passions. Together this us Telling the Story as a local church committed to seeing the Kingdom of God built.

    Would you like to begin this discipleship journey? We would love to connect you with a brother or sister who can walk with you in explaining the life of a disciple of Christ! Fill out the form here or text “Disciple” to (661) 402-5577.

Meaningful Church Membership

As part of the Kingdom of God, every member is an ambassador for the King. Ambassadors operate out of embassies. We see our local church as a Kingdom Embassy, and as such, followers of Christ must bind their hearts together and commit themselves to work together toward the mission of the King.

  • Curious about how central this is to our church? Feel free to read through our Meaningful Membership Material and then be on the lookout for the next opportunity to join us as a Church Member.

Meaningful Membership PDF, Video Series.

Personal Spiritual Habits

  • Bible Reading. We need to be in the Word consistently. We recommend the 5-Day Bible Reading plan that can be found here.

  • Prayer. Prayer must be like breathing for the Christ-follower. It’s most easily done with others. Join us in praying weekly for items related to God building His Kingdom through us, Building His church through us, and Caring for people through us. You can access the monthly Kingdom Prayer Guide here.

  • There are other spiritual habits that are extremely useful for the maturing disciple, but they are all built around the Word and Prayer. Want to read more? Consider Donald Whitney’s Spiritual Disciplines for the Christian Life.

Redemption Groups

From the Pulpit into Redemption Groups. This is the simple and central program we desire all to be actively involved in outside of Sunday morning. It is here that we get to see the Spirit of God transform our stories together through the living and active Gospel and the living and active “one-anothering” of the people of God. These are places where your heart is held carefully, your story processed thoughtfully, and you have a good time together!

Want to be part of a Redemption Group? Fill out the form here or text “SmallGroup” to (661) 402-5577.

Men’s Ministries

We aim to equip men to lay down their lives for others - Wives, children, each other … and most importantly the King of Kings. Men are called to lead, and leading is serving, and serving costs us greatly. Therefore, we need each other to stay in the fight, to not give the best of ourselves to our careers and our hobbies.

Stay up to date for Men’s breakfast and Men’s prayer times with the new ministry season here.

Text “Men” to (661) 402-5577 to get all the latest information for the Men of Redeemer.

Women’s Ministries

A woman's place is in the Kingdom! Whether in the work-place, home or classroom; whether single, married, widowed or divorced; young and old alike - we love seeing the women of Redeemer using their gifts to serve one another and the world around them.

Mom Enough - A ministry for moms of all ages. Spiritual mothering is at the heart of physical mothering and we want to help you thrive at both.

Stay up to date for all Women’s events here.

Text “Women” to (661) 402-5577 to get all the latest information for the Women of Redeemer.